Wednesday, December 19, 2018

A suspect was subsequently arrested in Florida for the mass mail bombing spree

The news of the 15 packages containing pipe bombs sent to several critics of U.S. President, Donald Trump; recently made headlines. The recipients included, most notably, Former U.S. President Barack Obama along with the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. All packages were deemed to be live bombs until analysis further indicated some were “duds”, although it is not clear whether this was intentional or a fault on the part of the bomb maker.
A suspect was subsequently arrested in Florida for the mass mail bombing spree.
Of concern however, is the fact that the bombs were all sent through the major United States Postal Service mailing facility in South Florida.
A spokesperson for the National Postal Museum in Washington DC stated that, “This form of attack has been extremely scarce in the past with less than ten mail pieces testing positive for biological or chemical agents since 2014, before the incident on hand.”
As we are all aware, criminals get smarter and more creative, until we catch up and then the cycle happens again, which begs the question of how corporations and individuals who are targets for this sort of criminality prepare and protect themselves from a security threat that might arrive in the mail.
Good advice includes the following:
Assess Your Risk Level And Vulnerability
In assessing the potential risk of such an ‘attack’ you should consider the nature of your company’s / principal’s business and profile, identify any areas of vulnerability and ask whether this could attract political or other potentially controversial attention. Based on this assessment, the normal mail handling procedures should be assessed to ensure that these are commensurate with the level of risk identified.
In assessing mail-handling procedures, consideration should be given to the expertise of the staff screening mail and packages (are they trained security personnel?), the type of equipment used and the location at which mail is screened. Far too often, even in higher risk scenarios, packages are only screened once they are already ‘on site’ (or on target!), where a remote search is clearly far more effective.
Prevention By Training
Even in low risk scenarios, it is important that staff receiving mail, who may not be security personnel, should be trained to recognise ‘suspect’ packages or letters; and the steps to take in such a situation.
Typically, training to identify suspect mail items includes looking for signs such as:
• Unfamiliar return addresses or none at all;
• Strange odour or noise;
• Protruding wires;
• Excessive postage stamps or franking;
• Misspelled words;
• Addressed to a business title only (e.g. President or “Strictly Personal”);
• Restrictive markings (e.g. “Do not X-ray”);
• Badly typed or written names or addresses;
• Rigid or bulky letters;
• Lopsided or uneven envelopes or packages;
• Excessive wrapping, tape or string;
• Oily stains, discolouration or crystallisation on wrapping;
• Leaking powder (or any other substance.)
In the event that such a package is found, staff handling the mail should be advised to:
• Call the authorities or security department;
• Not to attempt to open the letter or package;
• Not to shake or smell it;
• Leave it in place and evacuate the immediate area;
• Switch off fans to avoid circulating any contaminant.

Saving Madiba and Prince Charles, Rory Steyn on The Dan Nicholl Show

Saving Madiba and Prince Charles, Rory Steyn on The Dan Nicholl Show: NSA Global‘s Founder and Director Rory Steyn has some unique experiences to look back on from his time heading up Nelson Mandela’s personal security detail – including the day he saved Madiba and Prince Charles from an overly enthusiastic crowd in Brixton.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

NSA Global supported a number of festival performers and also acted in a Global Citizen protocol

The Global Citizen Festival  event held at the FNB Stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa on Sunday was marred by ugly scenes of wanton violence as gangs of juveniles and stabbed and robbed people leaving the stadium after the event. The event, an uplifting and inspirational initiative predominantly aimed at ending violence and abuse against women, and the eradication of poverty; ended with Beyonce inside the stadium and sadly mayhem outside of it. According to witnesses, the attacks happened in the vicinity of a Sasol fuel station situated close to the stadium in Soweto, in the early hours of Monday morning.
We contemplate on whether security at the Global Citizen festival was over-engineered and aimed at a ‘steel ring’ of access control with little thought or strategy given to the safety of patrons once the event had vended. Did we not learn from the Manchester Arena attack in the UK last year? That night terrorists struck, on Sunday criminals caused terror to happy spectators trying to get home. Did the police and security operation fail in addressing the safe exit of festival-goers?
NSA Global supported a number of festival performers and also acted in a Global Citizen protocol capacity and can state that the stadium safety plan was a robust one, albeit possibly over-engineered. When the implementation of a good plan fails it invariably speaks to a failure at the management / leadership level, something that we are seeing far too often in South Africa. One ‘big name’ artist’s personal protection officer noted that he had never before seen so large a police and security operation, leaving more questions arising:
Why did the plan fall over?
What should happen to now?
Who should have been responsible for securing safe egress from the stadium to peoples’ transport home?How do authorities address and prevent this from happening again?
What were the shortfalls in the police / security planning and more importantly implementation?
Our services include:
  • Threat Assessments
  • Security Planning
  • Oversight and Monitoring of Security Plan Implementation
  • Consultancy and Planning for National and International Tours
  • Protection of VIPs, Teams and Delegates
  • Crisis Response Planning
NSA Global Security Consultants is exceptionally well-respected internationally for providing high-level consultancy, planning and security services for many of the world’s largest events. These include major sports tournaments, political events and conventions, awards ceremonies and entertainment events in all parts of the world.

26/11 Mumbai attacks: 10 years on survivors share their stories

26/11 Mumbai attacks: 10 years on survivors share their stories: Each year, she is cast back to the events that unfolded 10 years ago today, on the night of her 32nd birthday. It was late Wednesday evening when the former actress turned chef arrived at Mumbai’s iconic Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, along with her husband, his parents, and a family friend.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Chaos and horror mar the Global Citizen Festival in South Africa - Criminals go on a rampage

Chaos and horror mar the Global Citizen Festival in South Africa - Criminals go on a rampage: NSA Global Security Consultants is exceptionally well-respected internationally for providing high-level consultancy, planning and security services for many of the world’s largest events